Thursday, February 4, 2010

Stuck in Phase 1

The premier piece still seems to be the emerald glass with Sobo. I have shifted my studies into the Pour-On resin for its strength, quicker drying time, and transparency. The reason I am stuck in phase one is the seemingly one dimensional character of the glass I received from the recylcing plant. The new glass is definitely a mosaic of greens, brown, blue, and clear. This blend gives the glass a stained glass attitude. As I move forward I am looking to give the effect a second layer. I need to explore this second layer quickly (for obvious reasons) and hope another latent quality reveals itself through larger scale testing.

More to come!


  1. So what's up with the perfect little glimmer where you pointer meets your palm. Please tell me that was a happy coincidence. Otherwise, you may be taking all photographs for me from here on out.

  2. there are secondary glimmers below my pinky......totally deliberate.


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