Thursday, April 9, 2009

mankind and nature: nature as a scaffolding for human free will

This model attempts to describe mankind's relationship to nature through a gradient in which the occupant gradually becomes less reliant on nature. The procession starts in a densely wooded area and ultimately releases the occupant to a grassy clearing.
Question: What meaning might be derived from this model without any explanation?


  1. Is "reliant" the right word? The trees shelter from sun, wind, and some rain- they might help me with wayfinding- I could chop them down and build something or fuel a fire. -but, I don't see this in the image.
    Are we "relying" on nature collectively to create landscape- and your gradually fabricating a manmade alternative to explore- something farther and farther removed from the exiting natural setting? -although, I don't really see that either...

  2. Justin I like the question you asked.

    I see the image as extending out into nature. It becomes thinner as it extends implying that it has a limited capacity for extension. I think it does this to provide inhabitants with support up to a point and then they are on their own. Building as nurturing parent.

  3. If it is extending into nature (which I see) and sort of delivering the inhabitant out into the wild- then I think the progression should be reversed (long, thin, drawn out form should be the last experience)

  4. i see your model as a metaphor for what trees do. that is to say, the ribs seem to mimic a conopy feeling, with some of the elevated platforms could be like sitting in the tree, while the sloping florrplates may be a more macro concept of gradients ie, forest and density. maybe these metaphors could be pushed further?


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